Bloom Box: Energy Breakthrough or Hype?

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted February 23, 2010

Bloom Energy, a Silicon Valley startup, is generating tons of buzz after their "Bloom Box" was featured on 60 Minutes Sunday.

The company is finally emerging from stealth-mode, and offered 60 Minutes a peek at their secretive fuel-cell technology. Here’s the clip:

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Investors have already poured around $400m into the venture, and it appears to be gaining traction. Big names like Ebay and Google are testing their industrial power-generation units, which cost around $800k (including tax incentives).

Bloom’s long-term goal is to make a unit for home-use, with a target cost of around $3,000. They’ve got a long way to go, but investors like John Doerr (early investor in Google and Amazon, among others) are fully behind them.

Our own Nick Hodge caught up with Doerr at a recent cleantech conference, and unfortunately an IPO is not on the table any time soon. But Bloom Energy is definitely a company to watch.

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